overheard at school

The architects of our brand new school building are documenting their works with photos and videos during the school day. Two girls are watching a camera crew get video footage of another grade at recess through the window of their classroom. 

Girl 1: I think they are filming a movie on the playground.

Girl 2: Those kids get to be in a movie?!

Girl 1: Yeah, I it probably starts like, ‘They were all having a great time at recess. It was a beautiful day. And then the ZOMBIES ATTACKED.’ ❂

*full disclosure: this is the same mastermind behind the piñata diaries



Slice of Life is a daily writing challenge during the month of March hosted by Two Writing Teachers. Visit their blog for more information about the challenge and for advice and ideas about how to participate.

5 thoughts on “overheard at school

  1. Ha! There should be a slice of life challenge just for great things that teachers overhear from students. This is a winner.


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